“"I was reminded that it is my responsibility to recognize my own limits in cultural competent care, continue to seek to make space for difference in worldviews and food culture. It was also helpful in really understanding the difference in cultural appreciation versus appropriation!"”
“"This was a fantastic event. I am glad and grateful to have been a part of it. We need more such events to create space for BIPOC folks to share stories and experiences and facilitate learning/unlearning. Thanks for all the panelists."”
“"Thank you for putting together this panel and for all the thoughtful questions asked. Greatly appreciated how honest the discussion was and I'm grateful to be part of a profession full of people genuinely wanting to help one another learn and grow."”
“"Everyone seemed truly responsive and there to share/increase understanding; it was a VERY positive and open feel. Thank you."”
“"This was fantastic! Such a powerful and inspiring conversation! Thank you so much for hosting!"”